Friday, May 23, 2008

Suturing class

My finished chicken!

We just had suturing class a few days ago, and it was great!! Much more fun than IV class!! There was no crying, and lots of laughing (but not that nervous laughing!!)! :-) Our subjects: Chicken breasts. The stitches, deep interrupted, blanket, continuous, and continuous mattress! It was great fun!! And our chickens looked beautiful! The teams were me and Janelle, and Holly and Serena. We were stars. Here our some pictures from the day!!

Injecting my chicken... with... water...

Holly and Serena

My finished chicken! and Janelle~

1 comment:

Vixie Friedman said...

Hey Sara,
living in Missouri now. We moved last week. I'll e-mail you my new contact info.
Hey, if I ever need a chicken sewn up I will know who to call. You did a great job.
Love you,
Miss Vix