Friday, December 14, 2007

Holly's birthday surprise...

Soooo... Holly's birthday! It was great fun! It was a good day, we just did some stuff around the island and had a really good day. So I worked clinic in the morning, and then came back and picked up Holly, and we went to this massage place :-) It was really fun. It was a at this Thai place and it was more muscle pressure and stretching and pretzling and stuff! :-) It was So amazing. Then we went over to the mall, and we walked around and shopped a bit... and while we were there... in the department store... this song came on, and every sales associate in the store started doing this pre-choreographed dance... It was a little bit crazy... and hilarious!

Then we went bowling with a couple of girls from the house, and had some dinner at the food court. and went home and watched a movie... and Holly went to work! :-) It was a great day!! Oh as a birthday "cake" we got a fresh coconut with fruit salad in it... and it was SO yummy! It was really a good day, and Holly had fun, phew! :-) Have a great weekend, friends!!


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