Friday, April 20, 2012

Progress at Maforga and Home

No word or update on the previous post on the sawmill at Maforga, but other workers there, Greg and Kim Hart have made great progress on a new chicken shed, have been learning a lot about raising healthy goats, and making progress in pastor training! Read more here...

Kees and Sarah Tanis have lots of progress to report at

Pray also for Carlos, Manuel and their Rubitano ministry at Maforga and the surrounding villages, that cares for AIDS patients, and orphans and widows.

Sarah and I (and Hannah) took a trip to ECHO this week in North Fort Myers. . ECHO collects and disseminates information on agriculture and on appropriate technologies to use in third world contexts, and is in contact with and serves over 3,800 other organizations. We learned a number of valuable things and were introduced to several ideas and concepts that we want to try to practice here in Florida before we head back to Mozambique.

We are meeting people and sharing our vision for the children at Maforga, and also becoming more aware of so many people working on the ministries that God has given them to do. Pray for all of the people and ministries that we have met or corresponded with this month.

Barrett Keene is walking across America to raise money for orphans. or

Many retired missionaries at Penney Farms are sharing their experience and expertise with us and others.

Pastor Ed Leanza at Trenton Community Nazarene Church.

The Orphan care ministry at The Family Church in Gainesville. (Pray for Wayland, a preemie born four weeks early that was placed in foster care this week.)

All of our friends at Faith Community Church in Leesburg.

Jim Louwsma at

Ken Corley at Wells of Hope International

The World Race - Katie Lossner getting ready for a ministry trip that will go to eleven nations in eleven months.

The Change this World project at Stetson University

Sarah and I continue to speak to as many people we can about the children in Mozambique, and their needs and our team of encouragers, supporters and people who pray is growing each week. Thanks to everyone who has been so encouraging to us this past month.

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